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New web server 2003-05-18

It's been a very busy couple of weeks at RescuePet HQ. We have moved the website and database system to it's new dedicated web server, sponsored by Artificia. This has involved a major re-write of the system, so please be patient and report any error to [email protected].

The new RescuePet system is running a Frontbase database, whereas the old system had been on MS SQL. RescuePet are extremely grateful to Frontbase who have donated the database license and been extremely helpful getting things set up.

RescuePet continues to be based on Omnis technology, with an Omnis webclient interface for shelters and an Omnis ultra-thin interface for the search and user account parts of the public web site. The Omnis web server license was donated by Raining Data a year ago when the site first went live. RescuePet remains extremely grateful for this.

We have many plans for the RescuePet site. Watch out for some developments in the months ahead!

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