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Very special home needed for an abandoned 10 week old pup 2003-06-04

Thornberry Animal Sanctuary in South Yorkshire are seeking a very special home for an abandoned 10 week old pup. Nelson, a beautiful brindle mixed breed was dumped in someone's garden. He only has one eye and his sight is impaired in the other. It is possible that the sight he has may diminish and therefore he will need to be familiar with and confident in his surroundings.

Nelson is currently being fostered by one of the staff, and is a lively, loving and friendly little lad and is wonderful with children and likes to play with the cats! He is a chunky chap and will probably grow to medium size.

Anyone who can offer the commitment that Nelson needs is asked to phone the

sanctuary on 01909 564399 between 11.00am and 3.00pm for a chat. Thornberry

is south of Sheffield just off J31 of the M1.

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