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Greyhound Remembrance Day and Fun Dog Show 2003-07-14

One of the RescuePet shelters, Greyhound Compassion, is holding a Fun Dog Show on 27th July. The event opens at 12.00 and judging begins at 1.00 after a short few minutes as it is Greyhound Remembrance Day.

Greyhound racing in the UK began on 24th July 1924 and 27th July has been designated Greyhound Remembrance Day. All over the country people will be laying flowers outside racetracks to remember all those dogs whose lives ended prematurely in the name of racing.

The venue is King George V Playing Fields, off Topsham Road, Exeter and there are refreshments, stalls, grand draw, tombola and two Suffolk Punch Shire horses coming to visit on the day. It is usually a brilliant day, lots of fun, loads of people and dogs (we hope) and a parade of rescued Greyhound Compassion greyhounds.

The RescuePet team urges our visitors to support this event. Those that cannot make the event are encouraged to acknowledge Greyhound Remembrance Day. Please spare a moment to think about all the greyhounds who have lost their lives and endured cruelty and neglect due to the racing industry. A donation to a greyhound rehoming charity might be a nice way to acknowledge the day. You can make a donation online to Greyhound Compassion by clicking here.

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