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Romanian Shelter 2004-06-27

RescuePet received this email/newsletter from a Romanian dog shelter today. This shelter is doing wonderful work in very difficult conditions. Please visit their website and make a donation to help them!

My name is Dana Costin and I founded and managing ROLDA ProLife

shelter from Galatzi,Romania,part of "Romania Animal Rescue",Inc,a

registered 501-c-3 US charity and representant for Eastern Europe

and Russia of "Greyhound Action International",UK.

ROLDA is a group of animal'lovers from Galatzi preoccupied to

improuve living conditions of strays from our town and neighbourn

counties with similar overpopulation problems.

Official number of homeless animals in my town is over 10,000 strays

and those poor souls live in uncertain and miserable conditions.

Since 2000,when ROLDA start fighting for animals'rights in my

country,we lived many tragic moments,when we saw our furry friends

dead because romanian authorities but we also lived few happy

moments,that we consider our small victories.


1.ROLDA was the only romanian organisation that protested against

Renault Company,when workers from Renault Romanian factory in

Mioveni started to kill(poisson)stray dogs from factory'garden.

Working together with a german welfare organisation SunDogs

( were able to raise more than 2,000 signatures

from all over the World in few days and we contacted all Renault

affiliates companies and pressure them to stop the slaughter.

Campaign against Renault was held in March 2003.

It was a succesful campaign,because they never kill a dog since

than,not neccessairly because they start care about animals,but

because they must protect their own image.

2.Our no-kill shelter "Hope for Homeless" was build with personal

investments and with help offered by "Greyhound Action

International ",UK for purchasing the land and "Romania Animal

Rescue,Inc."USA for house'renovation.

We succeded so far to finance (from personal resources) three

kennels for isolating new comings and a block with ten kennels,that

can accomodate 20 homeless animals.

ROLDA kennels'block are unique in entire Romania:built upon british

standards,with double insulated walls,with plumbing,radiators for

heating,indoor electricity,a ventilation system for dogs in

summer,each kennel has one-two dogbeds,blankets,dog toys,bowls for

water and food.

(Photos with shelter'house and kennels attached to this email)

Shelter'house has a central heating ,a large bathroom to bath

doggies ,a sunny room where dogs can stay in winter indoor,an office

and a bedroom for ROLDA'visitors,who preffer to spend a night at our

shelter and for our volunteers who will supervise dogs during night.

In front of shelter'house,we will create,starting with this spring

a "Memorial garden" called Printz,in loving memory of my beautiful

dog who passed away more than a year back.

In time,I plan to add 5 more block of kennels,to totally shelter at

ROLDA 100 doggies and a block for puppies,a running and playing

field for dogs,a small plastic pool,for dogs in summer and this is

only the begining.For a population of more than 10,000 strays only

in town,we'll need to expand and to build at least one more shelter

here in the next years.

ROLDA no-kill shelter gives a new chance to:

-Very sick dogs we found on streets,who need longterm treatment

-Dogs with lifetime handicaps ,who will never be adopted

We also TEMPORARLY acomodate dogs for recovery after spay/neuter

surgery.Ussually,a recovery period is 3-4 days for a male and 6-7

days for a female,if none complication appears.

Another important achievement is the fact we found a local

veterinary office we are exclusively working with.This veterinary

office is runned by two very compassionate peoples,who promise me

they will help ROLDA'activity as much as possible and in the limit

of their possibilities.

Why founding vets. in Romania represent an "achievement"?!

Because romanian veterinaries are very greedy and have a different

way of treating homeless animals than treating animals with

owners,robably because their lack of education ,not to mention lack

of veterinary items,veterinary equipment,even basic items for a

surgery or medical emergency.

I also can consider an achievement each life we succed to save daily

and each succesful rehomig of a stray,that give to our adopted furry

friend hopes for a better and safer life!

3. Articles about ROLDA published in international media:animal

magazines from USA("Animal News Center" and "Animal People"),Holland

and different others publications ("The ARK" and "Shoreham

Protester" UK )are a recognition of our daily activity and excellent

relations/friedship we kept during time with ALL our collaborators

shows we are following a right direction,but of course we need

support from time to time to achieve our dreams.

4.Since 2002, ROLDA continue an intensive educative program that

have as main target educating peoples about respecting another

creature'life and its'rights.Last year we began a colouring book

program to reach the children of Galatzi. These colouring books were

designed by childrens from Sugar Land, Texas, USA and will be free

distributed (along with a set of colouring crayons,already bought)to

orphanage and poor kidsgardens in Galatzi.

This coloring book shows page after page of children loving dogs.

We hope to get the message across to the children about kindness to

other beings this year as well. Perhaps one day they too will be

inspired to help animals.

Note:ROLDA didn't receive none funding from local authorities

(because we have a private shelter )and none governmental assistance

(because authorities ussually preffer to cheat animal'lovers and

kill dogs instead of trying to humanely fix overpopulation problem!)

All ROLDA'staff is volunteer.


In order to support animal'lovers from local community who decided

to help a stray with health problems, the local veterinary office

(we are exclusively working with) annonce that ROLDA will help each

animal'lover from Galatzi who care a stray by supporting the costs

for each stray'treatment.

In this way,hopefully we will encourage those citizens who don't

have money but have compassion for homeless animals to help our

furry friends in need of medical help!

Galatzi is a large industrial town from Romania,300 Km far from

Bucharest,with an officially declared population of 10,000(ten

thousands) stray dogs only in Galati,not to mention the very high

number of strays from the counties close to Galatzi:Braila,Tulcea

and Vrancea.. and our shelter is the only one on an area of few

hundreds Km.As you can imagine,daily we try to help teens strays in

need: hit by cars,beaten,with broken legs,skin diseases,infected


We collaborate perfectly with a veterinary office from my

town,runned by two very special peoples,who make "miracles" for all

my furry babies in need,no matter how difficult the situation is!

They dedicate their time to help as much as possible strays from

Galatzi and often lately,they help me without being paid because I

have big financially difficulties from a while!

We never received funds (or any other help) for our government or

local authorities/City Hall and all our staff is 100% volunteer.

It's very hard to "control" urgent cases of ill dogs from 10,000

inocents and defendless souls with various problems and we daily

face many difficulties and problems:

For ex.,one "problem" is dogfood:because of high cost of dry dogfood

in Romania and because I cannot receive dry dogfood from outside

Romania,according to romanian laws ,feeding even few hundreds dogs

from 10,000 presently living on Galatzi'streets is a big

challenge !!!

I'm very disappointed and discouraged when I'm able to feed only few

teens-hundreds(according to my budget)and see others are not enough

lucky ...I would love to care ,feed and protect them all!!!Each

romanian stray is very special,loving and incredible good

companion ...each furry friend I care is unique and wonderful in its

own way and my life would be simply empty without having my babies


For more details about ROLDA'activity and our current

campaign,please visit ROLDA'website:

Thank YOU for care about romanian strays!





Email:[email protected]

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